Why Do Southern Californians Love to Install Artificial Grass?

Have you ever driven down a street and wondered how every lawn looks so flawless?

More and more, Southern Californians are installing artificial grass lawns. If you’ve always had natural grass, you might wonder why artificial turf has become so popular.

Modern synthetic turf has a ton of benefits – here are four reasons why SoCal homeowners are making the swap.

Natural Grass Doesn’t Stay Green

Southern California is a desert, though we don’t always consider it one.

Natural grass isn’t native to hot, dry climates, so keeping it alive and green in SoCal is an uphill battle. Often, natural grass lawns end up looking brown, dead and unappealing.

Artificial grass has evolved tremendously over the last few decades. Today’s synthetic turf is remarkably lifelike, allowing Californians to enjoy a beautiful green lawn despite a drought!

Artificial Grass Is Now HOA-Approved

Artificial turf earned a bad rap thanks to the neon, fake-looking astroturf of the past. Until recently, many towns and HOAs only allowed it in backyards.

As artificial grass has become more lifelike, it’s earned its right to be installed wherever you’d like it. Some homeowners’ associations have minor requirements (for example, artificial turf must be installed by a professional contractor or be a board-approved style). Still, for the most part, you’re clear to install artificial turf wherever you choose.

Synthetic Turf Is Drought-Friendly

The drought in California is an ongoing concern. Homeowners are installing every drought-tolerant option, from rock gardens to ice plants. Though these can look great, none of them have the functionality of a natural grass lawn. 

Artificial turf allows you to enjoy all your favorite outdoor activities more sustainably. Swapping natural grass for synthetic turf saves you thousands of gallons of water a year, simultaneously helping the planet and your pocketbook.

More Time in the Sun

Southern California is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Renowned for its mild climate, SoCal residents love to get out there and explore. 

High-maintenance landscaping just adds to your to-do list and keeps you from enjoying the things you love. Natural grass demands constant watering, fertilizing and mowing – and that’s no one’s preferred way to spend a weekend. Synthetic grass frees you from the obligations of caring for a natural grass lawn, meaning you can spend more time outdoors doing the things you love!

Southern Californians trust OC Turf & Putting Greens, from the South Bay to Orange County. We pride ourselves on providing beautiful, sustainable and durable landscaping solutions. Backed by a 15-year warranty, our artificial turf products are engineered to last for years after installation day. Call (888) 526-2289 or contact us online – the path to a perfect lawn starts here!

How Artificial Grass Can Benefit Your Mental Health

It might seem odd, but artificial grass can improve your work-life balance in ways that can genuinely improve your mental wellbeing.

We live in an age where balancing a million things at once is the norm. We’re so used to “hustle culture” that we might not even realize there are areas in our lives where we might not need to work so hard.

One of those areas is your yard. Here are four ways that installing natural grass can improve your mental health.

Artificial Grass Shortens Your To-Do List

Many of us go into our weekends with a laundry list of things we have to get done by Monday. If you have a natural grass lawn, you spend much of your free time maintaining it. Especially in hot, dry climates, natural grass requires a ton of watering and fertilizing just to stay alive.

Artificial grass requires a small fraction of the maintenance that natural grass demands. Installing synthetic grass is a great way to cut down on your weekend chores, which reduces your stress levels.

Synthetic Grass Frees Up More Time to Do What You Love

Less time spent working out in the yard means more time to spend on the things you love.

Dedicating time to spend with loved ones, work on your hobbies or just relax and unwind is proven to alleviate stress and boost your mood. So enjoy your newfound free time doing what makes you happy!

You’ll Have Fewer Messes in The House

With natural grass comes dirt and mud – and lots of it. If you have kids or pets, you’ve definitely had dirt tracked indoors. It can even make your home feel impossible to keep clean, raising your stress levels significantly. 

Artificial grass doesn’t have that problem. It’s just as functional and fun as natural grass but is entirely inorganic. That means you’ll never have to worry about blades of grass, mud, dirt or bugs being dragged into the house from your backyard.

It’ll Be Easier to Plan Activities

In addition to reduced maintenance, artificial grass is more durable than natural grass. That makes planning fun, relaxing activities a lot simpler.

Thinking about setting up an above-ground pool? You won’t have to worry about the grass beneath it dying or flooding. Pet sitting? Your pet turf lawn will be easy to clean and never turn brown due to pet waste.

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed – don’t spend your free time trying to maintain a natural grass lawn. OC Turf & Putting Greens prides itself on creating beautiful, low-maintenance spaces that allow you to enjoy all your favorite outdoor activities. Our artificial turf is the best in the industry, and we’re proud to provide our clients with a  more sustainable and durable alternative to natural grass. For a complimentary quote, give us a call today at (888) 526-2289 or contact us online today!

Five Ways Artificial Grass is Perfect for Persons with Physical Disabilities

At OC Turf & Putting Greens, we believe everyone deserves worry-free access to beautiful outdoor spaces. Whether you’re installing a simple backyard garden or a large public park, artificial grass is one of the best ways to ensure persons with physical disabilities will be able to enjoy it.

We’ve compiled a list of our favorite ways that artificial grass installation can make your outdoor areas more accessible.

Synthetic Grass is a Smooth, Even Surface

Long, natural grass blades can disguise holes or divots in the ground. This creates a severe trip hazard for everyone, especially for persons with a physical disability. 

Part of the artificial grass installation process is leveling the ground beneath the turf. This results in a perfectly flat, even surface ideal for those who use a mobility aid or otherwise have a physical disability. 

Artificial Turf is More Wheelchair-Friendly than Natural Grass

Outdoor areas, like gardens, present several hazards for people who use wheelchairs. Gravel, slate and bark are all common materials that make it difficult for wheels to turn properly. Rainfall can also play a role, as it can cause the ground to become too uneven or muddy for wheelchair users to navigate.

Artificial turf is smoother, sturdier and equipped with highly-efficient drainage to make it unaffected by the elements. This makes synthetic grass a superior material for creating wheelchair-accessible outdoor areas.

Gardening is More Accessible

Garden beds are usually at ground level, which isn’t accessible for everyone.

Artificial grass lawns blend seamlessly with raised garden beds, which are far easier for people who have trouble bending down to use. Today’s artificial grass technology is incredibly lifelike, resulting in gardens that look every bit as real as those with natural grass pathways.

Synthetic Grass Requires Less Maintenance 

Natural grass lawns are demanding. They require near-constant watering, fertilizing, mowing and weeding – all tasks that can be difficult for gardeners who have difficulty with mobility.

Because it is an inorganic material, artificial grass will never require watering or mowing to look its best. It’s also installed over a weed membrane, so you’ll never have to worry about weeds popping up and taking over your yard.

Artificial Grass Installation is Customizable

Your installation contractor can cut synthetic turf to fit nearly any size or space. Your artificial grass installer will easily work around accessibility features like ramps and paved pathways to create the outdoor space of your dreams without compromising on safety.

The customizability of artificial grass is one of the things we love most about it. Because it’s such a versatile material, our synthetic grass installation contractors are able to create accessible, unique and beautiful landscapes that would be impossible with any other material. 

We deeply understand the importance of creating outdoor spaces that are accessible to persons with disabilities. At OC Turf & Putting Greens, we’re attentive to every question, comment or concern you may have. We’ll work with you every step of the way to make the accessible landscape of your dreams a reality. Give us a call today at (888) 526-2289, or contact us online to get started today.

The Best Ways to Prepare Your Home for Your Artificial Grass Installation

Artificial grass installation is the leading way that Southern Californians are upgrading their landscaping. It’s easy to see why: artificial grass is an eco-friendly, cost-effective way to have a beautiful green lawn year-round. 

Like any major renovation, artificial grass installation can feel a bit daunting. If you’re used to natural grass, you could be nervous that artificial turf won’t be as functional or look as natural as other lawns. 

Fortunately, there are tried and true ways to prepare your lawn for installation that will guarantee a flawless result. To help you prepare for install day, here are four simple steps to ensure your new yard will look as seamless and lifelike as possible.

Figure Out Your Ground Conditions

The first step in a successful artificial grass installation is determining what kind of soil you’ll be putting the turf over. The soil type, pH level and drainage capabilities of the ground will determine the sort of infill and aggregate you’ll need.

Not everyone is familiar with (or interested in) soil types. If you’re uncertain about analyzing your grounds, your synthetic grass installer will gladly help you figure out what you’re working with.

Remove Anything That Could Get in the Way

For best results, you’ll want to remove anything that could make the surface underneath your synthetic grass uneven.

The first thing to address is weeds. You should pull every weed growing in your yard and apply some form of weed protection to prevent any new ones from popping up. Spraying weed killer right before your artificial grass installation is ideal.

Secondly, you should remove the topsoil where your contractor will install your synthetic grass. Doing this will create a flat, smooth surface free of any rocks or sod that could cause bumps on the surface of your artificial grass.

Level Out the Area Where Your Artificial Grass Will Be Installed

A level laying area is essential to a proper artificial grass installation. After topsoil and weeds have been removed, carefully examine your land and ensure it’s completely smooth. 

If you do find any bumps or ridges, make sure to tell your artificial turf installer.

Figure Out What Your Main Use for Your Artificial Grass Will Be

These days, synthetic turf comes in a wide variety of styles. You’ll want to determine your primary use for your lawn – whether that’s playing with your pets, hosting events or squeezing in some putting practice. The main use for your lawn will help you decide which type of artificial turf is right for your outdoor spaces.

From pile heights to blade shapes, we’re here to help you understand all you need to know for a successful artificial turf installation. Landscaping renovations are a big undertaking – working with the professionals at OC Turf & Putting Greens makes them a breeze. From residential to commercial projects, we’re all about transforming Orange County and beyond with flawless synthetic turf installations. Contact us today at (888) 526-2289, or contact us online to get started.

Four Innovative Ways To Modernize Your Landscaping with Synthetic Grass

Artificial grass technology has evolved tremendously – if you’re looking for ways to modernize and refresh your outdoor surfaces, don’t overlook this versatile material. Modern synthetic grass is remarkably similar in appearance to natural grass and can be customized to fit just about any outdoor space. 

We’ve compiled four of our favorite ways to incorporate sustainable, low-maintenance artificial turf into a modern landscaping design. From your pool to your rooftop, synthetic grass is an ideal way to create innovative outdoor spaces that are as functional and practical as they are beautiful.

1. Use Artificial Grass to Create Uniquely Beautiful Modern Designs

Artificial grass is easily cut and shaped to any desired shape, making it the perfect material for those itching to bring some creativity and uniqueness to their space. 

Whatever you envision for your residential or commercial property, synthetic grass is ideal for creating outdoor spaces that match your personal style.

2. Combine Synthetic Grass With Paving to Create Contrast

Because artificial grass is so customizable, it can easily be combined with concrete or paving. 

Both pavement and synthetic grass have their advantages – you no longer need to choose between the two! Design your dream outdoor space with areas for recreation, dining and anything else in your vision.  

3. Add a Pop of Green Around Your Pool

Most pools are surrounded by concrete – maybe you haven’t even considered any other design options for this part of your yard. 

The durability of artificial turf makes it a surprisingly fantastic fit for surrounding your pool. Synthetic grass can withstand heavy foot traffic and extra water, so you don’t have to worry about degradation. 

The synthetic grass’s pop of color refreshes your pool area in a way that dull, grey concrete can’t. The lush green look of artificial turf transforms your pool from the average backyard addition to a vacation getaway right outside your door.

4. Create an Urban Oasis by Adding Artificial Grass to Your Roof or Terrace

The benefits of artificial grass installation aren’t limited to those with sprawling lawns – synthetic turf can also transform your terrace or rooftop into a green oasis.

Artificial turf takes a dull, bare balcony and adds a stunning green surface underneath a garden or entertaining area. You’ll get the lush look of a garden right on your patio or rooftop without the hassle of maintaining natural grass in those areas. 

No matter your vision, OC Turf and Putting Greens has the expertise and artificial grass technology to bring it to life. We’re proud to serve Southern California with cutting-edge synthetic grass designs, all customizable to fit the needs of your unique outdoor spaces. We’ll transform your pathways, pool areas and rooftop with our impressive selection of cutting-edge artificial turf varieties, and we’re here to help every step of the way. Give us a call at (888) 526-2289, or contact us online to get started on your next landscaping project today.

Three Reasons Artificial Grass is the Perfect Drought-Tolerant Landscape

Living in a drought-ridden state like California can make landscaping challenging. Many opt for stones or succulents, but these options don’t have the look or the functionality of natural grass. 

Artificial grass installation gives you the best of both worlds; you’ll get the water-saving benefits of sustainable landscaping options without compromising on the space you have for outdoor activities. We’ve broken down our three favorite things that make synthetic grass the best drought-tolerant landscaping.

1. Synthetic Grass is Sustainable

Natural grass requires a lot of maintenance in any circumstances, but the amount of upkeep it needs is astronomical during a drought. Your natural grass not only mandates constant mowing and fertilizing with harmful chemicals but also requires an average of 60 gallons of water per day.

Because artificial grass is made from plastic, you can expect to save close to one-third of your household water usage. Depending on where you live, you may even be eligible for rebates for installing eco-friendly artificial grass. 

When you switch to synthetic grass, you’re making your home or business a more environmentally friendly place. As California’s drought continues, investing in greener materials is the most intelligent way to fortify your home for years.

2. Artificial Grass is Resistant to the Elements

When temperatures start to rise, natural grass begins to suffer. Natural grass isn’t meant for hotter, drier climates – that’s why it begins to dry out and turn brown during a drought.

Artificial grass is the best way to achieve the look and feel of natural grass in a desert climate. Modern artificial turf technology is made from UV-resistant materials, so your artificial grass won’t fade under the sun. Its synthetic nature means you don’t have to run up your water bill to keep it green during a drought. 

Your outdoor surfaces will maintain their soft and green appearance no matter the weather, so you can continue to enjoy your favorite recreational activities. This makes artificial grass a perfect solution for families with everything from backyard playground systems to putting greens.

3. Modern Synthetic Turf is Beautiful

Gone are the days when you could easily pick an artificial grass lawn out of a row. Today’s modern artificial turf is incredibly realistic.

In fact, in desert climates, the giveaway for synthetic turf will probably be that it actually looks better than the rest of the neighborhood. While your neighbors are spending their weekends mowing and weeding, trying to salvage their grass, your artificial grass lawn will stay lush and green with minimal maintenance. 

OC Turf and Putting Greens is proud to provide Southern California with the most advanced synthetic grass products available. We’re passionate about landscaping solutions that are as aesthetically beautiful as they are environmentally friendly, and we’d love to work with you on your next project. Give us a call today at (888) 526-2289, or fill out our online contact form and let OC Turf and Putting Greens transform your outdoor areas!


The Best Three Places to Install Artificial Grass – Besides Your Lawn

When considering different design options for your roof, balcony or patio, odds are you didn’t jump straight to artificial grass. Most associate synthetic grass installation with updating their backyards, but the unique functionality and stunning modern artificial grass designs make it a surprisingly fantastic way to revamp your home’s exterior areas. The minimal maintenance and realistic feel of synthetic turf are ideal for creating green oases all around – or on top of – your home. Here are our three favorite ways of using artificial grass beyond the front yard.

1. Artificial Grass Creates a Green Rooftop

Installing artificial grass on your roof is a brilliant way to make use of space so often overlooked. If you’ve got a flat roof, a contractor can easily install synthetic turf over the top to create a unique place for you and your household to enjoy. Synthetic turf installation on your roof gives you new ways to enjoy your home (rooftop parties, anyone?) but also helps insulate your home, making it more energy-efficient. Especially in urban areas without backyards, installing artificial grass on your roof is a great way to enjoy the sunshine.

2. Layer Your Balcony with Synthetic Grass

Artificial grass is cut to fit perfectly in any space to be easily installed on your balcony. It also creates a beautiful and easy-to-maintain surface underneath your outdoor plants or furniture and adds a pop of color to the outside of your home. Synthetic grass reduces the heat given off by concrete, so you can comfortably go barefoot when enjoying time out on your balcony. 

3. A Low-Maintenance Artificial Grass Porch

For places often used to entertain like your porch or patio, having design elements that are both visually beautiful and low-maintenance is crucial. Synthetic grass is simple to install on a balcony and mix with other features, like cement, to customize the design of your space. Artificial grass is easy to clean and works well with outdoor furniture, making it the perfect choice for entertaining your loved ones during cookouts and family celebrations.

Adding artificial grass to the exterior of your home is an easy way to make a big difference in the look and functionality of your residence. The sky is (literally) the limit when it comes to installing synthetic grass; it’s incredibly versatile and can be customized to fit just about any vision you have for your home. OC Turf and Putting Greens specializes in premier artificial grass for Orange County residents to enjoy for years to come. We combine durability and design, resulting in synthetic turf that looks and feels remarkably similar to natural grass while being much easier to maintain. For more information, contact us today at (888) 526-2289 or visit us online to experience the difference of OC Turf and Putting Greens. 

The Top 4 Different Types of Artificial Turf Blades

Southern California is being landscaped more and more with artificial grass, but you might not have even noticed. That’s because synthetic turf design has come a long way – OC Turf and Putting Greens’ artificial grass has functional benefits and a look and feel that is remarkably similar to natural grass. We use five major types of artificial grass blades so we can pinpoint the ideal synthetic turf solution for your particular landscaping needs. We’ve broken down the basic differences between blades below to give you a crash course in the excellent variety of design options for you to choose from at OC Turf and Putting Greens.

W-Shaped Blades

Our most popular artificial grass, the TigerTurf Diamond line, is made with intelligently-designed W-shaped blades. Ideal for those looking for incredibly durable synthetic grass for their outdoor surfaces, W-shaped blades spring back to their original shape after being bent by foot traffic. The strength of this blade design makes it perfect for high-traffic places like playgrounds and sports fields.

Omega-Shaped Blades

Omega-shaped blades are another excellent choice for durability. Omega synthetic grass fibers are strong enough to withstand regular foot traffic as well as the use of heavy equipment, while still having a soft feel and realistic appearance. Their durability makes omega-shaped turf blades an excellent choice for pet spaces, playgrounds and other high-traffic areas.

Diamond-Shaped Blades

Diamond-shaped blades are the ideal choice for those looking for the most realistic, soft-to-the-touch artificial grass for their outdoor surfaces. Perfect for lawns or landscapes that experience medium foot traffic, diamond-shaped blades are ideal for giving your home or business the lavish look of thriving natural grass. 

S-Shaped Blades

S-shaped blades are unique in their ability to limit the flattening of areas of your synthetic grass lawn due to foot traffic. Their unique shape not only gives them a soft texture but also allows them to resist compression from the continual walking and playing across the surface of your artificial grass. This makes the s-shape an excellent choice of blade shape for artificial turf installation in areas with medium to high levels of foot traffic.

You don’t research artificial grass blades for fun; you’re ensuring that you’re making a sound investment by choosing synthetic grass. OC Turf and Putting Greens guarantees that you get excellent synthetic grass that will benefit you and your family for years to come. Since the beginning of artificial grass’ use in residential areas, we’ve committed ourselves to providing and installing only the best for our friends in Southern California. To work with our team to find the ideal artificial turf solutions for your residence or business, contact us today at (888) 526-2289 or visit us online. We’d love to work with you!

4 Spring Problems That Are Solved by Artificial Turf

In the spring, everything blooms. People have the urge to get out and bask in the sun – whether it be during a walk or a beach day, spring is truly a time for being outside. 

More homeowners are thinking of getting artificial grass thanks to an increased desire to enjoy the spring climate. Not only does synthetic grass look great, but it can solve a lot of problems that come up in spring. 

The Downsides of Spring’s Unpredictable Weather

Spring is a great season, but it brings weather unpredictability—it can go from sunny to rainy in an instant. Rain is great for natural grass, but when it becomes too much, oversaturation may occur, leaving your yard with puddles and mud. Moreover, rainwater will collect in spots that are harder to dry or reach.

This can be a problem because it will cause further damage to plants, as excess water and mud can harm the root systems. For children in the early stages of their lives, this can be a dangerous hazard. 

You don’t need to worry about rain oversaturation with synthetic grass, especially during springtime. Artificial grass is equipped with adequate drainage to ensure no water will remain on the surface too long. 

The Growth of Weeds & the Spread of Pollen in the Air

Weeds are a significant problem during spring. These garden intruders thrive in moist, warm climates, and with so much rain in spring, the conditions could not be more ideal for these unwanted guests.

The thing about natural grass is that many things could grow in it, including weeds. Weeds aren’t a beautiful sight, and to get rid of them, you’ll need to do more landscaping than you want to. Just think about the time, money and effort that goes with it. 

Weeds bring in pollen, which is the main culprit behind seasonal allergies for many people. If you have people in the house who are allergic to pollen and weed, they might as well stay indoors. 

You never have to worry about removing weeds or even seasonal allergies with artificial grass. Most efficient synthetic grass products include weed barriers, which prevent the growth of weeds for many years to come. 

The Chore of Mowing an Overgrown Lawn

The sunlight brought by spring is a welcome sight, especially in your yard. As previously mentioned, rain also comes with spring; combined sun and rain may cause your grass to become overgrown. 

Managing overgrown natural grass is a chore—it’s time-consuming and really not the most enjoyable thing to do. You may not see it as a big problem, but it can be. A lawnmower uses a lot of gas, and each time you use it, you have to worry about the expenses to maintain your mower.

With synthetic grass, you never have to touch the lawnmower again and not worry about the overgrowth due to the synthetic fibers in them that don’t grow or fade. 

Natural Grass Becomes Welcoming to Insects and Pests

Insects and pests are a common problem in spring and one that you can’t underestimate. They come out to lay eggs, turning into more insects and pests. You don’t want them around your property.

With natural grass, you need to worry about chemicals to spray in your garden. These chemicals are more harmful than you think, so keeping them away from your family is crucial.

Artificial grass is an excellent choice because they’re free of organic materials and does not retain water, making it uninhabitable to insects and pests. You also won’t need to worry about insect repellents. 

Spring is a season that brings warmth and beauty; it’s a season where you want to spend as much time outdoors as possible, whether you want to spend a day at the park or enjoy a warm spring day on your lawn.

Synthetic grass can offer many benefits that natural grass can’t. It isn’t without its own maintenance, but there are many things artificial grass can do to help you enjoy spring to the fullest. OC Turf & Putting Greens has been in the synthetic grass industry since 2004. Since then, our products have grown and advanced, leading us to the most advanced synthetic grass products on the market. We believe in innovative and environmentally-friendly solutions. Get a quote today; contact us or call us at (888) 526-2289

5 Ways Artificial Grass Easily Adapts to Your Existing Landscaping

Have you ever considered artificial grass for your home? Did you think of it as an excellent option for difficult landscaping areas but not for your backyard or other parts of your property? Maybe you didn’t even consider it because you thought it was too expensive and would never look like natural grass. 

This is quite understandable – but with the proper knowledge about artificial grass and how easy it is to adapt to existing landscapes and environments, you might change your mind.

Improved Drainage with Uneven Slopes & Terrain Issues

It’s no surprise that your landscape has some hills and valleys. Most of the time, they’re part of the charm. Unfortunately, maintaining these areas can be a headache as uneven terrain can cause drainage issues. 

Although slopes can help water run off your natural grass, it won’t be seamless. The water will likely have residues from pesticides and fertilizers that can harm flora and fauna, streams and rivers, and other water systems. 

Synthetic grass solves this problem with superior drainage, regardless of the terrain. Any moisture will be eliminated, and you never have to worry about erosion control. 

Enjoy the Shade with Synthetic Grass

Landscapes in densely-populated areas are usually not void of a few trees. With leaves shedding, trees growing and being trimmed, and shifts in the sun’s position, you can’t always count on your outdoor area getting enough sunlight.

If your trees cause your outdoor area to be shaded, you won’t be getting the effects of natural grass. This means your grass will suffer, and you won’t be able to reap the benefits of a green, healthy lawn.

With synthetic grass, there’s no need for you to get rid of the trees you love. Artificial grass will never grow, meaning that your trees can provide as much shade as they want without your lawn experiencing patches or uneven growth.

Artificial Grass is Resistant to Conifers & Other Irritants

Conifers are beautiful additions to your yard, but they can negatively affect your lawn. These irritants create a thick layer of needles on the ground and can even stunt the growth of your natural grass.

You’ll also need to be careful that they don’t fall into the soil as conifer needles are highly acidic; water becomes alkaline as the ground is acidified. This can affect the pH of your grass and cause it to die. 

Synthetic grass solves this problem because you can have your lawn under these evergreen trees and shrubs without worrying about acidity. Artificial grass is resistant to high or low pH levels on the ground. Unlike natural grass, it can survive on acidic soil, so your yard will remain green year-round.

Artificial Turf Cools off on Hardscapes

Hardscapes are surfaces like concrete and brick that can be a problem for your landscape. They absorb heat, which can be problematic for your natural grass. There needs to be a balance of heat and cold, but this balance can be skewed with hardscapes.

Synthetic grass is an excellent solution because its design allows it to cool off quickly, which means that your yard will be comfortable to walk on even on the hottest days. Artificial grass allows water to pass through easily, so you won’t have any drainage issues.

Spruce up Areas Outside of Your Yard

For natural grass to grow, you need soil. However, some areas in your landscaping can’t accommodate soil. Synthetic grass solves this issue because it can be installed anywhere. Artificial grass can transform a dull deck into something more welcoming. 

Synthetic turf can brighten up a sidewalk, a patio, a balcony or even a rooftop. Artificial grass is lightweight and can be installed on a concrete or asphalt surface. Synthetic grass can even be used on a pool deck to create a summer oasis.

With these ideas and more, you can see that synthetic grass is a great option to improve your outdoor living spaces and adapt to existing landscapes. It’s a versatile and environmentally-friendly choice that can also be functional, adding beauty and value to your home.

OC Turf & Putting Greens has been in the synthetic grass industry since 2004. Since then, our products have grown and advanced, leading us to the most advanced synthetic grass products on the market. We believe in innovative and environmentally-friendly solutions. Get a quote today; contact us or call us at (888) 526-2289