Exciting Games for Your Next Playtime with Your Dogs on Your Pet Turf Lawn

Dogs are fluffy balls of energy. They need ample time to run, romp, and play to remain happy and healthy. If you aren’t going to take them to a nearby dog park, then your backyard is the prime spot for some four-legged exercise.

While they have some benefits, natural grass lawns aren’t always the best fit for your pet’s needs. They can become burnt and uncomfortable during hot summers and are home to allergens and pests, which disrupt your pet’s playtime and cause sickness.

Artificial grass in Laguna Niguel is a popular alternative for pet owners. It’s engineered to protect your pup while they enjoy much-needed exercise. Pet turf supports a range of exciting games for you and your furry friend to share!

How Pet Turf Improves Play Time

Synthetic turf in Orange County is a cost-effective solution for the dry desert landscape’s particular issues. Prickly, sparse vegetation and rocky terrain make for an uncomfortable play area, while natural grass can be prohibitively expensive.

Synthetic turf is manufactured from flexible, non-toxic materials that are gentle on paw pads. Artificial turf products don’t need water or fertile soil to stay fresh, preventing your landscape from developing bald spots due to scorching sunlight or extreme dryness.

Pet turf products have innovative drainage systems that drain pet messes and other fluids. Don’t let flooding or odorous puddles keep you from enjoying time outdoors with your loved ones! Moreover, less moisture means fewer pests and bacteria in your lawn.

Choosing synthetic grass installation for your Orange County home ensures your pets have a safe and clean landscape where they can run freely!

Best Games to Play on Artificial Grass

OC Turf & Putting Greens quickly complete high-quality artificial grass installations for your home. Once we’ve finished, the only question you need to ask is: “What game will we play first?” Here are some popular games that your dog will love!

1. Tug of War

This classic pet pastime provides good exercise for your furry friends. Artificial turf offers reliable traction, which is ideal for this game. There’s no chance of mud causing you to slip.

2. Soccer

This may be a “human” sport, but dogs can get in on the fun, too! They’ll have a ball (pun not intended) chasing you around the yard. Pet turf and playground turf offer superior shock absorption ideal for vigorous soccer games.

3. Fetch

Another favorite is fetch, a simple game that taps into your dog’s natural instinct to chase. Play it with a stick, or use a frisbee or football for added fun. You can play for hours without the risk of dirt patches or shredded grass.

4. Water Games

Sprinklers, kiddy pools, and even your hose can be used to play fun water-based games with your pet. Thanks to the efficient drainage systems in pet turf products, you can play for hours without flooding your lawn.

5. Obstacle Course

Create a fun obstacle course that will challenge your pet physically and mentally. Use cones, boxes, hoops, and ramps to create an engaging course your dog can navigate. This game works well as a training exercise, too! 

Will Playtime Damage Synthetic Turf?

Thanks to innovative engineering techniques, these games won’t damage artificial pet turf. Even the most vigorous playtimes won’t leave their mark! This is because artificial turf features robust backing systems.

At OC Turf & Putting Greens, we provide pet turf with monofilament fibers that stand upright and quickly bounce back, regardless of foot (or paw) pressure. These K29 quadruple-layer backings reinforce turf fibers and are polyurethane-coated for added durability.

Every artificial grass installation includes turf infill, a crucial accessory for stability and lasting quality. Infill support turf fibers, keeping them upright even during rough playtimes.

Where to Find Pet-Friendly Turf

If you want to create a pet oasis in your home, look no further than OC Turf & Putting Greens. We’re the premier artificial turf installer in Laguna Niguel, offering friendly service and unmatched products installed to perfection.

We offer top-tier pet turf manufactured to provide maximum comfort and curb appeal. Our other services include commercial turf for businesses, backyard putting greens, and residential turf. Every lawn is treated with the utmost care and held to our elite craftsmanship standards.

Call OC Turf & Putting Greens today at 888-526-2289 or contact us online for a free quote!