Here at OC Turf & Putting Greens, we strive to make things as simple as possible. On this page is a list of commonly asked questions. If you still have any questions or concerns about our products or installation process that is not addressed below, please give us a call at 888-526-2289.


OC Turf and Putting Greens sources American made artificial grass that is made with the highest safety standards for chemical makeup and created without PFAS chemicals in any part of the manufacturing process, including raw ingredients and materials.

We know that making sure you get the best product and installation possible is extremely important. We recommend you ask and compare the face weights, stitch rates, warranties, and backings of each product and company you are interested in. Comparing these things will reveal the quality of the products and what you will be getting with your money.

Yes, there is still a little bit of maintenance required to keep synthetic lawns lasting longer. Maintenance involves rinsing to clean and using a stiff bristled broom or a rake to groom up fibers, which will help prevent matting. Artificial turf should be rinsed and groomed periodically, depending on the activity level. For example, pet turf should be rinsed more often, and higher levels of traffic mean the lawn should be groomed more.

Having a synthetic lawn professionally groomed mechanically can restore its appearance if it is matting substantially or neglected. We recommend stepping stones or some form of pathway for a repeated, heavy traveled pattern through the turf.

Yes, artificial grass is perfect for pets! It is becoming extremely popular for animal hospitals, kennels, and homeowners with pets because animal waste does not damage or fade the turf and turf is durable to withstand the roughest of plays.

To clean turf, simply rinse with water as needed.

With pets, pick up solid waste and any residue can be spray cleaned. Rinse as frequently as needed to avoid odors which are a build up of bacterial spores. For the rare thorough cleaning, flush with a mixture of 50% white distilled vinegar and 50% water, and then flush with water. This will neutralize all bacterial spores.

Artificial turf can get hot in temperatures usually above 85-90 degrees in direct sunlight.  However, blade temperature can be decreased with Envirofill because it does not heat like rubber, therefore not transferring that intense heat into the blades of the grass. Additionally, our Diamond, Playground, Pet, and Marquee series feature TigerCool, which reduces the temperature by 15% and up to 10 degrees.

Non-infill products are best for temporary installs such as events or to make an install easier and less expensive. However, there are crucial, functional reasons for infill. Infill is used for ballast, protects the artificial lawn during activity, and offers a base for increased blade recovery. A typical residential and commercial install will have thousands of pounds of infill to weigh down the product.

Our synthetic grass products are built for fast drainage. Each product is manufactured with perforated backing allowing water to percolate through the holes and into the water table without overflow. Turf can drain up to 30 inches of water per hour per square yard, so you don’t need to worry about flooring or dog urine.

Yes, the sheen will progressively diminish and go away.

Some products in the market place are shinier than others for various reasons i.e. wider blades refract more light. The length of time depends on the product and the chemical make up of your yarn.


The face weight is how much the yarn weighs per square yard, not including the backing or the infill. This measurement tells you how much product you are getting for your money and how dense the finished product will look.

It is very important to install a quality product. This includes the face weights, blade types, backings and warranties. Warranties are especially important because properties in the yarns dictate the length of the warranty.

Many synthetic turf applications are installed with generic styles of turf, due to an assumption that all turf is the same or a limited variety is offered. Styling for very low activity areas needs to address quality, density, and aesthetics, whereas areas with a mid-to-high-level activity should have a thatch product with a high-density installed. A high-density thatch based product significantly recovers better during activity and grooming.

Not all installations are the same! Installation quality is very important for aesthetics and longevity. The quality of an installation can be seen in how the sub-surface is sculpted, the edges are addressed, how the product is secured.

If your turf company is not experienced, the seams on your artificial grass installation will be not only visible but also prone to ruptures. Here at OC Turf, we ensure the best possible installation practices so your turf is seamless, beautiful, and damage free for years to come.